

un lloc per a créixer

Littletown is a bilingual Infant education centre and early development for the child.

guarderia inglesa en villajoyosa
mejor guarderia de villajoyosa



Our principal activity as teachers is to contribute to the correct development of our little ones. We are specialized in comprehensive training for children, with pupils from 4 months old to 3 years. Littletown counts on the authorization of the Minestry of education of the Valencian community.

Our education centre for children was born in 2013 with the intention to provide a new service never had in Villajoyosa until then. Another of our main dreams is to help families in the arduous task of educating and training your children in their first years of life. We believe in the reconciliation in the working life of your little ones.

Our educational project is to focus on global development in each child in all aspects, their autonomy, sociability and promoting a family/school relationship. Aside from teaching them a new language (English) and give them the possibility of new knowledge during their stay in the nursery.

Littletown has modern and spacious installations that comply with the safety regulations. The little ones enjoy a pleasant atmosphere full of stimulation with first class materials that guarantee their safety and well being at all times.

Come and meet us !



Integral education

We promote an integral education attending all the areas of learning.


In Littletown we try to make our little ones feel happy in a cozy peasant and motivated environment that helps with the growth and correct development.

Individual attention

We offer individual attention to each of our pupils respecting their rhythm of development and learning ability.

Creative development

We encourage creative skills and free expression, always in favor of the development and critical sense and autonomy in each moment.

Emotional intelligence

We educate in the promotion of emotional intelligence and other social skills. And communicative relationship that facilitate their interpersonal relationships.





In Littletown we highlight the importance of the English language in the academic curriculum of the little ones. For the first year your children will be in contact with native teachers learning a new language. We are aware that in the first months of their lives, our children are citizens of the world that are getting ready to learn any language. From 4 months old the children can distinguish when we talk to them in different languages.

Early morning hours

We are aware of how complicated it can be for parents to combine our centre’s hours with their work so for that reason we have a service for ‘early birds’. Hiring this service you can bring your little ones from 7am.


In Litthetown we consider very important the good feeding of our little ones. For that reason we have a professional cook and weekly menus revised by a child nutritionist. Apart from that we have fresh produce of high quality so that our children grow up healthy and strong.

Summer and Christmas school

In Littletown you can reserve your place for our extracurricular activities such as in normal hours like in the summer or Christmas holidays. Enjoy English classes taught by native teachers for children up to 6 years old.

parental control

digital diary

Parents have a digital diary, which avoids having to exchange a paper diary with the school and with which they can communicate directly with the educators and headmistress, creating an atmosphere of trust and security without the need to see each other in person. All the updated information about your child is always at hand.

Your child's daily activities: napping, eating, health, behaviour, play, etc.

Meal menus, calendar of events, meetings, notes, circulars...

Your child's statistics: days of illness, sleep patterns, nappy elimination, etc.

Photos and videos of activities and events.

Notifications via mobile phone notifications.

guarderia con aseos para niños en villajoyosa